
Below you can find some of the projects I am or have been involved in in the past.

Past projects

e2Call: Algoritmi e tecniche per l’analisi e l’elaborazione delle informazioni veicolari ed extra-veicolari (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Applied Research, Law 6/99, 2012-2014).

The project aims to provide advanced emergency support in case of accidents of cars with an on-board unit, similar to the black box of airplanes but with data and voice communication capability. The research specifically concentrates on the design of algorithms and software architectures for the classification of accidents, driving behaviors, and the detection of outliers (near accidents) from the data collected through live data streams generated by the cars.

MEPI: Medical Equipment Profiling and Identification System (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Applied Research, Law 6/99, 2012-2014).

The research in this project concentrates on the engineering of requirements for the tracking of devices inside hospitals or people inside retirement homes and on the design of abstractions and middleware support for the provisioning of context-aware application behaviors (e.g., alerts in response to given events).

BPM4People: Business Process Modeling for Participatory Enterprises, Organizations, and Public Administration Bodies (EU FP7 Research for the benefit of SMEs, 2010-2013).

The project aimed to develop a social BPM paradigm able to bring together the structured world of BPM with the unstructured world of social networks. A part of the project was also dedicated to the study of the integration with crowdsourcing platforms, so as to be able to seamlessly integrate crowd workforce into business processes.

OMELETTE: Open Mashup Enterprise service platform for LinkEd data in The TElco domain (EU FP7 STREP, 2010-2013).

The own research in the context of this project concentrated on the conceptual aspects and the software architecture for telco mashups, i.e., mashups that specifically support the live communication and collaboration among multiple users, as well as the design, implementation and test of a mashup model pattern mining and recommendation approach for visual mashup editors.

MakeSense: Easy Programming of Integrated Wireless Sensor Networks (EU FP7 STREP, 2010-2013).

The challenge approached in this project was the extension of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) language with constructs and runtime support for the modeling of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Special attention was paid to the separation of the design of the internal logic of the WSN and its interaction with external business processes.

IANUS: Platform for the Simplification, Re-organization and Improvement of Business Processes (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Applied Research, Law 6/99, 2010-2012).

The core of the research in this project was the design, implementation and test of business process discovery algorithms that do not start from nicely correlated event logs but from a snapshot of an operational database filled with data by a process-aware information system.

MDO: Manuale dell'Opera / Electronic Record for Constructions (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Applied Research, Law 6/99, 2010-2013).

The goal of MDO was the implementation and test of an online service/platform for the management of a distributed electronic record for buildings/public works (similar to the idea of electronic health records for people).

MarcoFlow : (Industrial project in cooperation with Huawei Technologies, Shenzhen, China, 2010-2011).

MarcoFlow aimed at devising models, languages, tools and a methodology for the development of web applications that are composed of Web services and user interface components and that are able to orchestrate multiple Web browsers, i.e., users.

MoPAL: Mobile Palm for Assisted Living (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Applied Research, Law 6/99, 2010-2012).

The goal of MoPAL is to equip home/social assistants with mobile devices and a mobile software solution that, jointly, allow them to collect data of, monitor, manage, and analyze the socio-sanitary services they provide in their territory.

MASTER: Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for Services (EU FP7 IP, 2008-2011).

The contribution to this project was the design, implementation and test of a tool suite for the monitoring and assessment of the security of service-oriented business processes. Particular emphasis was paid to the design of root cause analysis algorithms able to identify possible sources of registered problems for future improvement.

COMPAS: Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services (EU FP7 STREP, 2008-2011).

This project had a strong modeling orientation and required the development of dedicated algorithms and instruments for the analysis of generic business compliance constraints for service-oriented business processes. The solution can be seen as a business process intelligence suite with special focus on compliance.

MashArt : (Industrial project in cooperation with SAP Research, Palo Alto, California, 2008-2009).

The aim of mashArt was to develop novel composition technologies for the Web, ranging from data integration and UI composition to what we call universal composition. The goal was to develop an integration platform with hosted development, hosted execution and hosted analysis capabilities.

COOPER: Collaborative Open Environment for Project-Centered Learning (EU FP6 STREP, 2005-2007).

The key outcome of this project was the development of a flexible, process-based environment enabling the online collaboration of multiple learners in the context of projects supported by ad-hoc processes.

MAIS: Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems (MIUR FIRB, 2002-2006).

The focus of the own research in the context of this project was on the development of a conceptual, model-driven development approach for adaptive, multi-channel Web applications. The work produced an extension of the Web Modeling Language (WebML).